Errors Registry

The following is a list of potential error codes that can be returned when using the Payouts API

Response Error CodeHTTP Status CodeResponse DescriptionMeaning
011400ACCOUNT_LOOKUP_FAILEDName lookup failed for the specified account number and bank
012400INSUFFICIENT_BALANCEThe transaction creation request failed due to insufficient balance on the customer account
014409EXISTING_TRANSACTION_CUSTOMER_REFERENCEThe transaction creation request could not be processed because an existing transaction of the same customer reference exists.
013400INVALID_REQUESTOther Invalid requests that cannot be processed. e.g Unsupported country codes
400400INVALID_REQUESTInvalid request due to invalid input parameters.
018409TRANSACTION_CANNOT_BE_CANCELLEDThe request could not be processed because the transaction is no longer in a state that allows cancellation
015404NOT_FOUNDCurrently requested resource not found on the system
016404UNAUTHORIZEDThe request is rejected due to missing/invalid/inactive API key
017403FORBIDDENWhen access is denied based on the status of the user. e.g A non-active customer trying to make a payout
999500UNKNOWN_ERRORAn unknown error has occurred, this rarely happens. Please contact support if this persists.


    "error": {
        "message": "Transfer with id wz_trsf_qYvR_1690198508263 is not cancellable",
        "code": "014",
        "description": "TRANSACTION_CANNOT_BE_CANCELLED"
    "error": {
        "message": "Invalid request in body",
        "code": "400",
        "description": "INVALID_REQUEST",
        "field_errors": [
                "field": "country",
                "message": "\"country\" is required"
    "error": {
        "message": "Insufficient Balance of ₦940000.00, requires ₦35060000.00 more",
        "code": "012",
        "description": "INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE"
    "error": {
        "message": "Only Nigerian transfers are supported",
        "code": "013",
        "description": "INVALID_REQUEST"

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