Transactions (Data)
Summary information of retrieving transactions data of an account
This addresses the data query parameter and expected responses for the transactions list endpoint
Query Parameters Definitions:
Parameter | Type | Description |
from | string | Specifies the start date of the transaction range in the format YYYY-MM-DD . |
to | string | Specifies the end date of the transaction range in the format YYYY-MM-DD . |
state | array | Filters the transactions by their current state. Possible values include PENDING , COMPLETED , etc. (multiple values allowed) |
currency | string | Filters transactions based on their currency (e.g., NGN ). |
country | string | Filters transactions by originating country (e.g., NG ). |
page | string | Indicates which page of results to retrieve. If not provided, defaults to the first page. |
limit | string | Specifies the number of transactions to retrieve per page. |
Data Response Format
Upon a successful transaction initiation, the API will return the transaction details:
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | string | A unique identifier for the transaction. |
state | string | The current status of the transaction. E.g., "PENDING". (states are PENDING, PROCESSING, COMPLETED, FAILED) |
created_date | datetime | Timestamp indicating when the transaction was initiated. |
balance_before | int | Balance before the transaction in the smallest unit. |
balance_after | int | Balance after the transaction in the smallest unit. |
completion_date | datetime | Optional date of transaction completion (Available only for completed transfers) |
Sample Data Response
"data": {
"id": "waza_trf_LHg8_1689553108124",
"amount": 18000,
"currency": "NGN",
"country": "NG",
"beneficiary": {
"type": "BANK_ACCOUNT",
"account_name": "Frank Sani",
"account_number": "123400001",
"bank_code": "090365",
"state": "PENDING",
"created_date": "2023-07-17T00:18:28.124Z",
"completion_date": "2023-07-17T00:18:28.125Z",
"customer_reference": "1234ab",
"metadata": {
"reason": "Payment from APP"
"balance_before": 1880000,
"balance_after": 1862000
Updated over 1 year ago